Kill The Minotaur Review by Eugene Alejandro

Kill The Minotaur is a six part comic book mini series published by both Image Comics and Skybound Entertainment, and is written by Chris Pasetto & Christian Cantamessa, and features artwork by Lukas Ketner (pencil and inking work) & Jean-Francois Beaulieu (digital coloring).

Without going into any spoilers, Kill The Minotaur is a re-telling of the classic Greek myth of Theseus and The Minotaur, but adds a lot of newer twist and elements in order to have it stand out from many other re-tellings.

Before I mention all of the positive aspects, I want to point my biggest nit-pick with Kill The Minotaur which is the lettering. Now to clarify what I mean by this is that while the lettering by Clem Robbins is very solid to look at, since Kill The Minotaur takes place in Ancient Greece, I felt that all the characters should’ve had translation notes in their speech bubbles since it would’ve been much more realistic to have them speaking Greek as opposed to English.

Another nit-pick that I just remembered for this review is that while the ending isn’t terrible, it sadly ends up not tying up a lot of loose ends as not much is explained within the overall plot.

Now on to the positives. The most notable (in my opinion) is the artwork as the Ancient Greek setting is represented with great amount of detail as it truly does feel like a story set during that time period. With this being a six issue mini series, the story moves at a very good pace, and since I was able to finish reading it all in one day, that truly is an accomplishment.

So if you are somebody who is interested in reading someone else’s unique take on a well-known Greek Myth, please give Kill The Minotaur a read as I’m sure you won’t be disappointed.

I give Kill The Minotaur 5/5 Stars, and Two Thumbs Up.