Happy Halloween!

I hope everyone this year has a very good Halloween. I greatly apologize that I haven’t been active too much on this WordPress Blog. The reason for my lack of content on this website is because I have been extremely busy and distracted with a lot of College work this month.

Also, I am still in the process of working on my book that I want to post on Booksie. It’s just that a lot in my life has been causing me to take too long in getting it done. Despite all of this, I certainly promise to work very hard the best I can to get the book finally done for all of you to read (I promise there will be updates about it. Just please be patient about it).

Even though I truly do regret not posting any new reviews, essays, articles, etc on the Supreme Writer Studios blog recently because of a lot of stuff that is going for me in reality, I’ll make sure to keep doing the best that I can for myself so that I can someday get this blog going again without having to worry about anything else.

Until then, please enjoy this year’s Halloween. Cheers!