My Plans For March 2020

Hello everyone. I want to apologize for the lack of any new wordpress blogs for I was very much absent due to a lot of other things going on in my life, with one of them being me attending my new semester of college for this year, and working on the comic script for the 5th and final issue in my five part comic book mini series about Yasuke.

Since it is going to be Spring Break of 2020 in this month in just a couple days from now, I want to make the announcement that during that time, I will hopefully be able to work on new online literature work to published on my Booksie page with it being poetry in particular.

I cannot go into any detail as to what the titles of my poems are, or what they are even about story-wise yet since I haven’t even begun to work on them, but I will most certainly do the best that I can to finally publish and share new stories of mine for other people to read digitally in 2020.

Thank you all so much for being very patient as always, and may this year’s Spring Break be a good one for everybody.